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thepurplezebra vs. scorpion81 vs. TommyShots89

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:21 am
by ChineseAnonymous
At the spawn near thepurplezebra's house (or shop), scorpion81 started building a place of his own. Under circumstances related to space, he generally had no right; but zebra and related friend TommyShots89 decided to break down his house. From the wooden pickaxe, he's replaced what was destroyed and retaliated by removing several fences that are sticking outside of zebra's "purple, zebrahouse" region. Before this happened, scorpion apparently destroyed trees on zebra's "property." weresdrim also had some problems earlier with scorpion as well. Zebra's place is two days older than scorpions.

No staff was on at the time, so reporting this.

EDIT: Showed nwalton, took care of things. scorpion and TommyShots have been temp. banned.