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Allowing new but simple mods in novylen

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:46 pm
by EpicSquirrel
Hi, I’m EpicSquirrel007 and my post here is about allowing certain small but mighty mods that would help with the commonly chosen job by novylen players: The shop owner or employee. My suggestion mods are, obviously modloader and audiomod by risugami which a lot of other mods need to run. Not sure if that is already allowed, but anyway. I suggest that the shelf mod, the armor stand mod, the floodgate mod, and lightsensor. These mods are al by risugami and are all 1.0 updated. They are all compatible with other mods, and are all found on this page: ... g-updated/ Unfortunately, that page does not have separate pages for all the mods so I couldn’t specify them. But I can tell you that the modloader is the first mod listed, lightsensor is 2nd, audio mod is 7th, floodgate is 8th, and shelf is 13th listed from the top. Thanks for reading my post and I hope you grant my request. :D See you on the flip side!- EpicSquirrel007

Re: Allowing new but simple mods in novylen

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:07 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
You know that the server runs on bukkit right? and that you need bukkit mods ... for the server... or else the mods won't work..