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Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:58 pm
by TacoDogSheep
Hey guys it's me Taco, duh. I'm doing a build in creative and I'm going to move it to survival when it's finished. It's going to be a Mage or Sorcery Academy called Summergrasp (name based off of Winterhold). If anyone wants to help with the build the dial is /dial Summergrasp. I hope some people help because it's a big build. :o
To whoever helps with this project whether it be in creative or survival I will pay you 50p and your name will be on a huge thank you bill board at the entrance to the academy!
Thanks for reading and have a great day or night!

People helping so far:

~Taco :D

Re: Summergrasp

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:26 pm
by peaco912
Yo bro I'll help but ur never on when I'm on. Lol my frien is Obsesed with skyrm so I can't help laughig har har har whatever...pancakes