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Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:48 pm
by ummwat
Bumnuggets0 wrote:
ummwat wrote:
Bumnuggets0 wrote: :iron: :iron: :iron: :iron: + :gold: = :orediamond:
Erm... weird idea. how so
Bumnuggets0 wrote: :gold: :obsidian: :obsidian: :cloth1black: = :opblock: :opblock:
Horrible idea, think about griefers. good point but do they usually check forum? or know about cauldron
Bumnuggets0 wrote: :obsidian: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: = :coal: x16
Do you really need this stuff for, what, the second most common thing in the game? true but im to lazy to mine it and i think others are too
Bumnuggets0 wrote: :soil: :soil: :soil: + :cloth7green: = :grass: x2
There's already a default grass recipe. so there is...
Bumnuggets0 wrote: :glass: :glass: :glass: :glass: + :water: = iceblock x2
That's a ton of glass. just a suggestion :glass: :glass: :blank: :cloth10blue: :water: = iceblock x4 any better? ( :blank: = snowblock)
Lol criticizing each other.

Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:44 pm
by Nozstik
Does cauldron work now? And if so, are the recipes being updated?

Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:39 pm
by dreadknott
does this currently work and can we have a recipe list?

Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:39 pm
by arin3
Spire wrote:Thanks for adding these in rbos!
There are a few problems so far:
  • The lightstone, slowsand, netherstone, and smoothstone recipies work but they only give you one block of the item instead of multiple blocks. After looking at the script again, maybe I misunderstood how you are supposed to type it in.
    ie. to get 4 smoothstone maybe it should be:
    instead of
  • The record and chainmail armor recipies don't seem to work at all for me. After thinking about it, my theory is that these are failing because they have spaces in their name in the script. So, instead of "green record" or "chainmail helm" it might work if it instead reads as "green_record" or "chainmail_helm".

    For the armor, it could also be that lava doesn't work as an ingredient?? If that is the case, may I suggest replacing the lava with netherstone (now that it is acquire-able), which would look like:
Also, for Yami's sponge block, an idea could be maybe 2 cloth+2 dirt+ 2 yellow flower?:

:blank: :blank: + :soil: :soil: + :floweryellow: :floweryellow: = :sponge:

And another interesting idea I've had is half-door blocks. Perhaps these could be made from the following recipe:

So you would basically place a wooden door on top of a double-half-step :stair: in the cauldron, and (if I'm right) it would then give you a half-door.

Those are just some more ideas I've had since the original thread, I've also told other people in the server to post their ideas here. Thanks again rbos!
Green Reccord ID is GRCD

Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:59 pm
by dreadknott
i did some research after reading the thread from when you were adding the "chain armor" and i found out why it doesn't make more than just the chest piece. i did some testing via my own private server i use to play with plugins and i found that if you are try'n to make an "item" you can not have multiple "item" recipes with the same "block types" in them. for example if the chain helmet requires 1 iron block no other chain recipe can make use of the iron block reguardless what item is being made via the cauldron because chain armor is not a "block type." i decided to test this theory using a block as the reward, the standard recipe for a grass block is 3 dirt and 2 saplings, so i made a second identical recipe that required 1 dirt and 1 sapling to create a dirt block instead of grass. now based on what i found out from the chain armor the original grass recipe shouldn't have worked because the new recipe was of lesser ingredients, but since both grass and dirt are "blocks" the recipe worked flawlessly. now i did some further testing and block id #51 is "fire" the ingredient needed to craft chain armor in a crafting table. based on the dangerousness of fire its self and the fact is it a "block" if you were to create and new recipe that produced fire you can then craft the armor yourself. here in lies the problem with that, for those smart enough to read this thread and know how to use the cauldron they would then be able to "produce" griefing material. here is the upside, what griefer have you ever met willing to farm iron blocks to create their griefing tool when they can attempt to do it with much more ease. my suggestion is to alter the recipe to be: fire:42:51 or for a visual appeal fire: :ironore:: :fire: there was no image for iron block so i used iron ore. keep in mind with this being said not only would each "block" of fire cost 9 iron ingots but the armor itself if someone would care to craft it would cost 24 blocks of iron equaling 216 iron ingots, which in my opinion is and should be the price to pay for an item not ment to occur naturally in game.

edit: did somemore testing, seems chain armor can use the same blocks int he recipe but gold,diamond,lapiz,and iron blocks are the hinderence. the onyl way to achieve a successfull way to create the whole set would be to either make a recipe for fire or, take solid blocks(diamond,gold,lapis,iron), water, and lava out of any equation.

Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:00 pm
by rbos
I don't think I'll be supporting cauldrons, unless someone can suggest gameplay-enhancing ideas.

Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:14 pm
by KrahkaMaster
Is this still in the server? !

Also, just cuz I'm OCD, I'd lke to point out that "Lightstone" is called Glowstone, "Netherstone" is called Netherrack, and "Slowsand" is called Soulsand.
Other than that, cool!

Re: Cauldron Recipe Suggestions

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:48 am
by dragslayar
No it's not still in the game

And this was before they had proper names, so the community called them those names.

Also, why is this still a sticky rob?