It comes out to be this
This is a great way to make moderators that are accordingly fit for the job, so hereIn case everyone is wondering how we all work together AND keep things in good order here is a nifty admin workshop for the masses!
1. Team work
we work together in mysterious ways, but we have in fact work together on nearly every serious issue that has happened to through PM's and Threads in a section called the Legal District which is conveniently hidden out of sight in another dimension.
2. how does your team-work, work?
well...there is an old adage "not one of us is smarter than all of us" and we strive to uphold that notion!
if something arises like a rule that needs to be expounded, redefined, or even things like a member that is really mod worthy...or a mod that doesnt need to be one ....we simply do the following
one of us will pm the other and the other and let them know there is an issue that needs to be resolved.
much like on the forums, we create a thread with the main idea.
then we painstakingly take our time to talk back and forth (which can take up to a week) about the issue and the Pros (+'s) and the cons (-'s) until we are ALL, i repeat..>ALL< are in agreement.
3.why does it take soooo long to decide on something?
well....we decided long long ago that there are 3 of us...and with 3, we can have a sort of trinity when makinig decisions and we cannot end up in a dead even split (1 yes, 1 no OR 2 yes, 2 no) additionally we also figured out that a "majority" vote can leave a side or argument to the way side...
our fix? we ALL have to agree
can I say that once more?
WE ALL HAVE TO AGREE ON SOMETHING BEFORE WE ACT on something like making a moderator OR de-modding someone.
WHY? simple.....someone that is bad or good may be friends with 1 or 2 of us...the other may be indecisive or have different information
we talk about it so that we can ALL be on the same page before making up our minds...which again is why it can take some time before you see any results.
simple, it wasnt just MY idea but Mels and BG's idea as well.
the past idea has been that we do things without warning b/c we dont talk and we are just separate admin...
we actually talk quite a bit and decide on the very serious issues about modding and de-modding very delicately and review ALL the facts...and ONLY if we all 3 agree that its for the best of JV, do we act on it
hope you have enjoyed...