im sorry

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im sorry

Post by butches »

i got banned a while ago and im realy sorry for setting people on fire i was stupid and didn't know the rules properly
so could i please be unbanned?
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Re: im sorry

Post by NannerPanda »

I think that Butches should get another chance, Setting poeple on fire isnt the smartes thing, but im sure if u let him on he wont do it again
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Re: im sorry

Post by dograffe »

well i think i remember your name from somwher and it seams you are sorry and i though we had the second chance thingy

but i dunno realy it's up to you guys
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Re: im sorry

Post by batty550 »

comon give him a chance he didnt do the right thing but u know nobodys perfect so a second chance might sort things for him
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Re: im sorry

Post by smoosh »

i think we should give him another chance ;)
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Re: im sorry

Post by MrEpiclegendzz »

Oke, I have a question, why are normal people commenting? It's not like you guy have a say in this...
I have to say, didn't know the rules properly is a little bit bullshit, but it seems like you are sorry, so I'll unban you. BUT don't fuck it up, because we will reban :)
Some people like to watch the world burn, I'm one of those people.
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