Commands list

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Commands list

Post by bill753 »

Currently the server is using hey0's mod with Llamacraft for antigriefing.

Universal Commands

/help - shows you a list of most of the commands in-game.
/sethome - sets your 'home' location to wherever you are currently standing.
/home - teleports you to your 'home' location; if you haven't set one it will take you to spawn.
/spawn - teleports you to spawn.
/kit ### - replace '###' with 'tools', 'builder' or 'torches' for everything you could possibly need to built some 10-storey genitalia (not recommended).
/msg sends a message to someone privately

Mod Commands
/item - when supplemented with the correct ID number, spawns any item available in minecraft.
/tp ### - teleports to a player when '###' is replaced with their name.
/tphere ### - teleports player to the admin's location. Also, /s (summon).
/banip - bans the user by IP
/unbanip - unbans the IP
/ban - bans a user
/unban - unbans a user - also /pardon
/mute - mutes someone
/unmute - unmutes someone

Admin Commands
/group <person> <group> - 1 for builder, 2 for mod, 3 for admin (but that requires a file edit)
/reload - reloads server config
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Re: Commands list

Post by ummwat »


Status: Moderator

ummwat - obstacle course master, owner of MineCity, internet thousand-are, novylen moderator
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Re: Commands list

Post by ummwat »

New command list:


Universal Commands (Guest and above)

/help [page number] - Displays a list of the available commands
/playerlist - Displays a list of the players currently in the server
/kit [kit name] - Gives you the specified kit
/listwarps - Displays a list of all the warps
/home - Sends you to your set home
/sethome - Sets your home for later use with /home
/me [message] - Displays a message in the chat, for example if you type "/me eats cake" and your username happens to be "example," then it will say *example eats cake
/spawn - Sends you to the server spawn point
/msg [player] [message] - Sends a private message to the specified user
/compass - Displays which direction you are facing, e.g. facing west will say W
/motd - Displays the server rules that also is shown when you join the server

Premium Commands (Member and above)

/warp [warp name] - Sends you to the specified warp point

Moderation Commands (Mod and above)

/getpos - Shows the current location with attributes
/banlist - Shows a list of banned users
/ban [player] [reason] - Bans the specified user from the server
/unban [player] - Unbans the specified user
/kick [player] [reason] - Kicks the specified user from the server
/mute [player] - Mutes the specified player, use again to unmute
/tp [player] - Teleports you to the specified user's current location
/tphere [player] - Teleports the specified user to your current location
/setwarp [warp name] - Sets a warp point where you are currently standing for other users to access

Maintenance, More Moderation, and Other Commands (Admin only commands)

/banip [ip] [reason] - Bans the IP from ever accessing the server
/unbanip [ip] - Unbans the IP
/spawnmob [mob] [amount] - Spawns the specified mob(s)
/mspawn [mob] - Changes the mobs that the mob spawner in front of you spawns
/lighter - Spawns a lighter (flint and steel)
/item [id] [amount] - Spawns the specified item(s)
/setspawn - Moves the current spawn to where you're standing
/removewarp [warp name] - Removes the specified warp
/time [time] - Changes or views the time
/clearinventory [player] - Clears the inventory of the specified player
/reload - Reloads the server config
/enableplugin [plugin] - Enables the specified plugin
/disableplugin [plugin] - Disables the specified plugin
/listplugins - Lists the server plugins
/reloadplugin [plugin] - Reloads the specified plugin
/modify [player] [key] [value] - Changes the group (rank) of the specified user
/whitelist [add/remove] [player] - Adds specified player to the "whitelist"
/reservelist [add/remove] [player] - Reserves a player a spot in the server so the server player cap won't affect him/her

The server is currently running hMod with a pile of plugins running on it and Runecraft.
Please note that the commands that come with the plugins aren't included in the list (yet).

Status: Moderator

ummwat - obstacle course master, owner of MineCity, internet thousand-are, novylen moderator
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