Not a suggestion, really, but a reference for mods, as I've asked before, and you guys didn't know how to do this. These are the commands needed to create a blacklist of players in a region. Example: Let everyone but a certain group of people break blocks at a tree farm.
[08:35] <TerrorBite> /region flag RegionName build deny
[08:35] <TerrorBite> /region flag RegionName build -g members
[08:40] <TerrorBite> -g sets which users the flag applies to. For build, it's usually "nonmembers". But we're setting it to "members" thus inverting the users it applies to.
[08:40] <TerrorBite> Hence, it will deny members of the region from building
[08:42] <TerrorBite> It used to only apply to the "entry" flag, via setting a separate "entry-group" flag. Now it can be applied to any flag as far as I can tell.
I assume you replace "build" with whatever other flag you may be using.
Hope this helps!
Region Blacklist
Region Blacklist
...The flowing time... The expanding space... I will make it all mine one day... Cyrus is my name. Remember it...
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:57 am
- Location: Tristar
Re: Region Blacklist
Bad news, it actually doesn't work for any flag. It does, however, work for Entry/Exit flags.
...The flowing time... The expanding space... I will make it all mine one day... Cyrus is my name. Remember it...
Re: Region Blacklist
Way back when we were still living at 8spawn and didn't have animal protect I ran a no entry flag on my animal farm. I tried this but could never get it to allow anyone but moderators into the region, regardless of their region membership. Maybe it works better now.
Now back to chewing tourists and scoffing rumballs.
Now back to chewing tourists and scoffing rumballs.