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Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:23 pm
by genesis24
done your welcome :P

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:41 am
by Zaneo
strategy room
secret booze cellar
Escape router

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:19 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
This is gonna be a bitch to build xD Divine? do u have alot of free time?

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:50 pm
by divinemind
MrEpiclegendzz wrote:This is gonna be a bitch to build xD Divine? do u have alot of free time?
*looks at the ground in shame* ive got plenty of free time XD senor!

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:31 am
by MrEpiclegendzz
divinemind wrote:
MrEpiclegendzz wrote:This is gonna be a bitch to build xD Divine? do u have alot of free time?
*looks at the ground in shame* ive got plenty of free time XD senor!

Oke then senor:) i dunt xD so u can already start building i will help u when ur at 1000 things oke?:D

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:51 pm
by ummwat
Yay, you didn't add any credit to my contribution. =\

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:48 am
by divinemind
ummwat wrote:Yay, you didn't add any credit to my contribution. =\
Yeah i put 21-61 courtersy of ummwat

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:50 pm
by ummwat
divinemind wrote:
ummwat wrote:Yay, you didn't add any credit to my contribution. =\
Yeah i put 21-61 courtersy of ummwat
Fail, misspelled name.

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:37 pm
by ummwat
Ehm ^

Oh, and more:
107. item storage room :chestfront:
108. pointless room
109. secret item room
110. easter eggs
111. some sort of brick room :brick:
112. some sort of cloth room :cloth3white:
113. some sort of cobblestone room :cobblestone:
114. some sort of fire room :fire:
115. some sort of gravel room :gravel:
116. some sort of mossy cobblestone room :mossystone:
117. some sort of obsidian room :obsidian:
118. some sort of sand room :sand:
119. some sort of dirt room :soil:
120. indoor craftbook gate activated water running toggled farm
121. some sort of clay room
122. some sort of stone room :stone:
123. tnt stress area :tnt:
124. grief stress area
125. laboratories
126. some sort of wooden room :wood:
127. a room that doesn't have "some sort of" at the front
128. pixel art room
129. spleef arena
130. obstacle courses
131. other minecraft game rooms
132. survival test chamber room
133. an awesome room
134. a really awesome room
135. the most awesome room known to mankind
136. disco
137. heavily dynamically-lighted room
138. windows
139. windows xp
140. a statue of yourself
141. a statue of someone else
142. a statue of me
143. a statue of notch
144. a statue of rbos
145. another statue
146. npcs
147. clusterfuck room
148. a wtf room
149. a room just for lulz
150. models
151. model of glados
152. model of your own house
153. a maze
154. a hide and seek arena
155. a hide and seek arena with a maze
156. a pit trap
157. idunno
158. do you know? idunno
159. more filler
160. another house
161. yet another house
162. a mansion
163. a mirror
164. a lava swimming pool
165. a tunnel to someone else's house
166. floating islands
167. main lab
168. study
169. chapel
170. dracula's castle
171. craftbook study room
172. museum
173. liquid study room
174. food study room
175. item study room
176. solid study room
177. natural resource study room
178. an alternate dimension
179. an exact replica of the exact same house you're working in
180. the biggest room knows to man that takes up about a quarter of the entire mapped out land
181. a map of your house (cause that shit's gonna be huge)
182. a castle
183. battlements
184. an indoor town
185. water source
186. lava source
187. an indoor mountain
188. an indoor city
189. an indoor country
190. an indoor universe
192. no colours
193. maybe more colours and then no colours
194. numbers
195. letters
196. confusion
197. confusing metroidvania-style rooms
198. an entire world with a number of different shit and different items and hidden stuff metroidvania-style
199. almost there
200. the number "200"

Two hundred ideas already!!! Keep it up folks, only 801 to go!
Though I did add some filler, shut up.

EDIT: 2 more:
201. craftbook test study chamber
202. runecraft test study chamber

Re: 1001 Things you could add to your house

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:05 pm
by DarkChowder
203. warp to every biome room
204. bottom of the map room ( A drop to the bottom of the map)
205. chunk sized room ( dig for a very long time)
206. rainbow room (Use all the dyed blocks once)
207. double rainbow room (Use all the dyed blocks twice)
208. furnace room ( all walls made of furnaces
209. Hell room ( room made out of materials from hell
210. Room with no bottom
211. Room that drops you very far into water
212. Boat ride room
213. Minecart ride room
214. I gotz de block room (Room with all blocks in block id order)
215. I gotz my blocks backward ( Room with all blocks in reverse block id order)
216. Statue room( Make a statue of something)
217. Safety room ( Put a door on every other tile and a light on the rest of the tiles make ceiling and floor out of obsidian)
218. Paranoid room ( Surround with monsters and make room dark for maximum paranoia)
219. Glitched sand room ( A ceiling made out of unsupported sand)
220. The room that shoots arrows at you
221. Daylight room ( A place to go at day)
222. Nightime room ( A place to go at night)
223. The Praise Notch room (For when Notch makes you happy)
224. The Dam Notch to hell room (For when Notch makes you sad)
225. Update room ( You shove all the new stuff notch adds into here)
226. Loss room ( You make a list of all the mods that died because of the update with signs on the wall)
227. The Reapers room ( Build room out of things that kill you)
228. Exit/Entrance room (Use iron doors to make the entrence and exit seperate)
229. Circle room
230. Triangle room
231.Pyramid room
232. Mirror room (Build a nice looking room)
233. Mirrored room (Build the exact same room upside down)
234. Procrastination room (Waste your time working on this room instead of doing something productive)
235. Endless room 6x6x9000 (Make them regret walking to the end of this monstrosity)
236. Cake room
237. Multi-floor cacti room
238. Out of reach room
:obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian:
:obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian:
:chestfront: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank:
:obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian: :obsidian:
(The griever sees it but it devastates them because they cannot touch it.)
239.Touchplate room
240.Redstone Room