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il tornado?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:22 am
by Dr_Obvious friend informed me about his guys "il tornado" that has been robbing chests, banks, etc...he hit SnowVille and it seems that he only goes for chests and whats VALULABLE to him (eg. iron, gold, dimond, all those and some more) but leaves the rest...What's weird is that he hit pretty much every chest in town...even my secret chest, which ,to my knowledge only the few people who I trust know where it is. That means its either one of them, or some kind of hacker.

So with this all said, I'd like to request a roll back for the entire SV, which in turn should also roll back the chests and the valulables stolen (even the hidden ones behind walls that noone but one person knew about :O). After this incident, I'm happy that rbos has gotten that new cuboid protection program and cant wait to have it implemented on SnowVille.

Post here about any incidents about this so called "il tornado". (He usually posts a sign in the bank or whereever that sais "il tornado stricks AGAIN")

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:35 am
by Dr_Obvious
new found information :

I have suspitions that he went to gopher town (X: 1839.4289280705584 Y: 101.0 Z: 1222.4613985575922) Using a teleporter. I have suspitions he might have come here after the looting because i found an unusual teleporter in the middle of the lake in SV leavding to here. Since I'v found that all the chests here have some riches (and have not been stolen), I'm suspecting Dee to be "il tornado", because he owns this town(although i think dee would never do this...).

Still investigating. I'll keep you up to date on my findings.

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:59 am
by Dr_Obvious
I'v been asking around and people havnt heard of this "il tornado". It seems hes only been targetting me because it seems he only took what was in the bank, in my house, and then broke some stuff in other houses/buildings. Other than that, all the standing riches (Ebils tower, atlantis, etc) are still fully intact. It; weird...

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:08 am
by Dr_Obvious
I think i figured this out. I was here pretty much all day yesterday untill about 4pm mountain time...than i left for the night. So im guessing, because Jean said that he saw the "il tornado strikes AGAIN" sign in the bank around lunch, so the bank was looted wile i was here, without me nooticing. Tornado waited untill I was gone to loot/destroy my house. Now this person has to be a person I know, whos motive was to get back at me for doing something he didnt like or something, because i only know a handfull of people that know i have a secret chest and where it is. I can probly make a list of thses people. Ebil, Tiel, Benny, Dee, some of the mods and admins, rbos, and i think laz and jean know where it is. Thats all the people I can remeber right now. So I can tell the motive was to get back at me for something, because they ONLY hit the bank and my house. There was two signs, one at the vault right where you go down, the second in my little secret comepartment for my secret chests, which was full of everything valuble, such as, stacks of dimonds/diamond blocks, iron/iron blocks, redstone, gold, diamond tools, about 6 stacks of gold blocks, ores of everykind, snow, about 10 buckets, obsidien, etc, etc, etc. So, I know the motive, the crime, the damage, I have a faint idea of who it might be, and hope that the this "il tornado" person comes clean. If he/she/alien comes clean than you will be off the hook, with only suspition as a punishment.

I do indeed hope that this will not happen again.

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:56 pm
by Ebilruler
Hmm I haven't heard of this person, but if I see anyone suspicious hanging around your house or near the bank that doesn't normally visit SV I will make sure to tell you. Its odd that he hasn't went for anyone elses stuff though...

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:25 pm
by Dr_Obvious
i know :P...the cuboid protection should help tho :)

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:22 pm
by Tiel424
Another attempt has been made by lil' tornado to loot SV. He placed a sign in Ebil's forge, I'm attempting to rally our meager forces into investigating..

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:29 pm
by Dr_Obvious
well in the tunnels theres a sign saying "il tornado - HI MAYOR :D" my reply sign..."hey il faggot I KNOW WHO YOU ARE - Dr_Obvious" -_-'

Since the cuboid protecting is on SV he shouldnt be able to do much unless hes aomeone i added...

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:36 pm
by rbos
Sorry, that was me. I figured it would just make whoever did it gleeful at making someone mad. The sign was feeding the troll. :/

I should have discussed it with you.

Re: il tornado?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:37 pm
by Dr_Obvious
oh its fine :)