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Getting your Log's worth!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:30 pm
by AwEsUm
Hello! AwEsUm here to tell you that a log is not something to be taken lightly—logs can support a LARGE quantity of items that you might not be aware of!

Sure, we know right off the bat that :log: = :wood: :wood: :wood: :wood: right?
Well, we take it for granted that this log can supply us with wood and sticks and such, but what a Log really give us?

Well, the basic things a log can give are as follows! Just one :log: can give you:

4 :wood:
8 :stick:
1 :workbenchfront:
(This forum smilies don't have everything a log can provide, so now I'm switching to writing it out!)
Well, that's just the simple stuff! Now we get a little more complex.
One log can provide the materials needed to make:
2 wooden hoes, 2 shovels, or a wooden sword with three sticks!
A log can provide the sticks for 1 ladder, 2 bows, 2 fishing rods, 8 arrows, 8 levers, 8 torches, 8 redstone torches, a painting or a fence!
One log can make a bowl or a pressure plate!

With one log, think of how TWO logs would fair? You can make a sign, a door, a boat, a jukebox, a bookshelf, a stair, or a chest!

So don't take for granted the amount of a Log! It's nearly endless! So go out there and find as many logs as you can, and maximize your crafting abilities!

(GRAPHIC for Log's worth to be added another time! Stay posted!)

Re: Getting your Log's worth!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:32 pm
by kleril
Cool, but could you, y'know, post it if this is what it's about? :lol:

EDIT: OK, look forward to seeing the rest! Didn't mean to sound too harsh.

Re: Getting your Log's worth!

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:56 pm
by AwEsUm
Updated it, no need to bag on me, the darned Submit Button was pressed instead of the Preview Button.

I might make a graphic for the Log's worth in school, so keep checking for that!