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How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:49 pm
by Arin
Hi, my IGN is ArinĀ³. For those of you who don't know me, I was a regular player on the server a while back (Like, early January) but stole a lot of stuff from somebody. I then went on IRC and screwed up my only chances of getting an unban.
I was wondering around the Internet, with nothing to do. I am lonely.
I haven't played Minecraft for a while. Every server I go on is disappointing. Griefed. Abandoned.
So when I decided to check up on Novylen in my spare time, I re read my old appeals. I'm an idiot! If I was a mod and saw somebody wrote appeals like I did they'd never get back online!

I have learn't my lesson well and truly about stealing and griefing. Griefers are the worst type of people. People who cause people like me to get turned off a server like I did.
I write here today to say I am sorry, and to appeal. And I mean it this time.

If you ask anybody online what caused me to be banned, they'd say "Stealing and spamming IRC" But i'm not like that anymore. Also, people only started disliking me after my ban, which shows that I was a nice person to play with while online. Give me one day on your server again and I would be friends with everybody. Please give me another chance. I haven't bothered you in what seems like ages. Please consider me and think about this post again.

(As A Side-Note, I never attempted to make anybody frustrated, nor give the impression of a stalker, spammer etc. If you feel frustrated that I posted here, don't reply.)

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:41 pm
by dograffe
just unbann him for one day if he screws up bann him
its not that hard

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:00 am
by MrEpiclegendzz
hmm, I don't know, you spammed the irc a lot, what frustrated ALOT of people, but I do see your point, I have been on other Minecraft servers, most of them are pretty crappy.
I think we can give you a unban, but 1 mistake, and your gone, but, this isn't my call, you just have to wait and see what other mods and admins say about it.

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:10 am
by Nosekivon
I feel fine with him back on. He was a nice person. But it's up to the mods to decide what happens.

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:21 am
by Nosekivon
But then again, it would feel a bit unfair seeing as bansil and stuff would still be banned.

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:03 am
by Epacity
I don't have a problem with it. The only thing that annoyed me: Sticking around on the IRC after the ban.
and having fun with old posts

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:02 pm
by Doozy
I'm not interested in seeing this appeal go through. The ban was entirely justified, and the subsequent months of server stalking did nothing to soften me. As far as I'm concerned, this is just another grasp for attention. This is not the only good server out there, and minecraft is not the end all and be all of existence. Sometimes you just need to move on with things.

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:36 pm
by Arin
Thanks for your opinions, I really wasn't trying to grasp for attention. It is just that sometimes I posted things or said things on the IRC without thinking. Being banned stuffs you up big time, all you want is to be unbanned and so you tend to act stupid and all that. I have tried to not bother you for a while now, and I just thought I'd like to come, see what Novylen has become. Of course I won't grief, be a jerk or spam again, because I know the consequence.

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:06 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
I have to agree with dooz, I don't think your getting your unban ..

Re: How Stupid I Was...

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:03 am
by gino973
that would be b.s if he got unbanned .. not fair for all the other players who did noting compard to him that got banned ... just saying