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Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:54 pm
by arin_
Dear Novylen
I write here today to address each of the players who influenced my ban, and the server as a whole. I will only address the staff as it is their job to decide who gets banned and repealed.
Before I dwell into this matter I believe it is my responsibility to go over a few issues to see to it that you understand my purpose of writing here, why I want an unban, a bit about me, and why I stole and was such a nuisance in the first place. I cannot change what I have done in the past, nor do I know if this is the best approach to appealing. One thing is for certain, I won’t be as foolish as I was in most of my past appeals. I know your approach to bans: “1 12 year old less” you say, and yet, I did not fathom that I myself was acting like said 12 years old. Also if you find a flaw in my appeal don’t be afraid to contest me. This is all my work. Also, I will try not to frustrate of offend anybody. Please alert me if I do.

The first thing you must understand is that I know everything that happens in your server. The dungeon of destiny, 6 & 7th spawn, creative, etc. This is not because I am a stalker. I know a few people who play on Novylen and it seems like it is their job to make me miserable by reminding me of what was the best ever server. I am not being modest, nor am I flattering you on purpose. I am expressing my opinion. These friends have refused to have their username places into this appeal.

Let’s start talking about why I joined Novylen in the first place, in brief. I was a noob, joining Minecraft in late Alpha. I got bored quick. One of my close relatives showed me the game earlier and I bought the account arin3. (Arin, BTW, is what my friends call me in real life). In the Beta 1.2 release I got addicted again, to SMP. I made myself a vanilla server for my friends to play on. One of them, who I now dislike and would never call my friend, used op commands to blow it all up. Another friend had found something called Bukkit. I presume he learnt of it from Novylen. He got a server but was too lazy to keep running it. He referred me to Novylen and I liked it; a lot.

I may as well talk of why I liked it so much, the happier of my Minecraft days. I joined the 1.5? Temp maps first. I even got addicted to that. The thing was, not only was I playing with my friends the fan base of Novylen is not too big, and not too small. It has the perfect balance of plugins that make it like playing the type of SMP Notch aimed for. The staff actually fulfilled their duties. There were almost no griefers. It wasn’t whitelist. But... Hang on a minute, there are tonnes of servers like that. Why is Novylen the best. The answer is the players. They enhance the gameplay experience. You can’t find players like that anywhere else. The majority of Minecraft has a retarded fan base. I started helping my friends with towns, after Mrepic’s bad reaction to my present ones I handed them all away.

Then, if I liked it so much why did I grief; Twice? Ok, I only griefed once. The first time was obviously an accident. Please disregard this. My second offence was my server stalking, not that grief. I said I wanted to go inside. That was wrong. I wanted to get onto the server so badly I made up a believable story.

For the new ones, I stole what was probably a lot to the player I stole from, unnecessarily. I took what I thought was a lot. And it probably was. I can’t remember what it was. Anyway, I stole because... That was me. I thought I could get away with it. I’d get banned, appeal, and get back BUT. My heart still pounded with grief when I got banned I felt like crying. My appeals there were horrible! Of course I wouldn’t get back online with that filth! But I have changed now. Griefers are the worst type of people. I am not a griefer any more. I cannot change the past. I should have listened to your advice in the first place. I can’t change what is done, but I will change what I can do. I gave back 90% of the items. He rest were destroyed in a WE done on ModTopia.

Now I talk about server stalking. Why I did it. Why I felt no harm in doing it. And why I regret it. Basically, I was just so obsessed with your server I kept trying to get online. I didn’t mean to annoy you, nor spam. I am so sorry about this! I also spammed login during an MC bans error. This was just my negligence. Please disregard this, more in the next paragraph.
But why unban me? I want to make this clear that I won’t attempt any malicious stuff again. Griefers are the worst type of people. I am not a griefer. If I wanted to grief again I wouldn’t post here. All the other servers I try out are griefed and foreign. Please unban me. After one day you will not regret it.

Now to address the staff, these are the people most involved in my ban or the ones that I know will read this. They are Doozie, Amixalot, MrEpicLegendZ and of course RBos. I had more but I dodn't know what to write about.
Doozy: I understand that you hate my stalking. You are probably one of the most recent mods but I have still known you for a while. Time has passed. I’m not the server stalker I was. Please forgive me and show your support.
Amix: I also know you don’t like my stalking, and that you probably dislike me the most after that mob tower ordeal. I won’t bother you. There will be no harm in supporting me at all.
MrEpic: Hi. Sorry about the towns, the long posts, and the stalking. It won’t happen again.
RBos: The first of the staff to acknowledge my existence: RBos; you have created the best server I have ever played on. The fate of my ban rests in your hands. I am so sorry about everything. I had a huge paragraph here about you but I left that out because it was badly written.

So that concludes my ban appeal. I guess if it doesn’t get approved it will be my “Last Hurrah”. Let’s see how it goes.

:diamond: :diamond: Image :diamond: :diamond:

When Novylen gives you bans, don't appeal. Make Novylen take the bans back! Get mad! I don't want your damn bans, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see Novylen's Admins! Make Novylen rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson bans! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the bans! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible ban that burns your house down!

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:30 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
First off,

paragraphs , ever heard of this word?

Its the blank spaces in-between text, so that its easier to read.

(Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla malesuada, turpis non semper molestie, augue quam convallis nisl, sed suscipit eros neque ut urna. Nullam mattis luctus velit, quis commodo sapien condimentum eu. Quisque luctus convallis nunc, eu lacinia libero semper vel. Pellentesque nec erat ante, sed condimentum augue. Cras in blandit nisi. Quisque a nisl augue, vitae fermentum sem. Vestibulum eget urna eu leo sollicitudin faucibus. Mauris tempor, nisi a gravida volutpat, nunc nunc luctus lectus, eget cursus mauris sem a purus. Nam consequat fermentum interdum. Maecenas varius tellus a ligula porta convallis. Ut et sem metus, a blandit magna.

Mauris quis mauris nec quam consectetur vulputate vel sit amet leo. Vestibulum in tincidunt turpis. Cras odio nulla, sollicitudin id dignissim eget, dictum ut ipsum. Ut eleifend consectetur nibh a venenatis. Aenean ut lorem a libero laoreet rhoncus. In sed dolor vel felis viverra consectetur. Pellentesque viverra augue iaculis dui sollicitudin pellentesque eu at quam. Suspendisse vehicula libero vel arcu commodo tempus. Suspendisse fringilla dictum ipsum, non rhoncus mi porttitor ullamcorper. Vestibulum condimentum, lorem vitae mollis placerat, quam mi vehicula sem, vel fermentum sapien odio a magna. Donec sed velit ut sapien molestie vehicula. Nam rhoncus condimentum felis, sed ornare ligula blandit vitae. In sed nulla in tellus aliquam placerat at malesuada mi.

In tempus metus id nunc aliquam pharetra. Integer molestie nisl magna. Etiam mattis posuere interdum. Maecenas condimentum ultrices odio, ut sodales lorem eleifend nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque non velit eget augue lacinia hendrerit sit amet sed mauris. Proin placerat purus sit amet urna iaculis quis vestibulum tortor iaculis. Cras eleifend felis sit amet dui commodo tempor.

Quisque pellentesque est eget leo bibendum posuere scelerisque augue molestie. Fusce in ligula magna. Quisque consequat ligula felis, sed viverra nisi. Etiam ultrices tellus vel quam consectetur ac consectetur lorem porta. Sed euismod commodo mattis. Integer pellentesque purus vitae dui cursus egestas. Maecenas nibh urna, sodales sed semper at, tempus ut mauris. Phasellus sed arcu dolor, eget varius sem. Morbi vitae erat urna.

Donec vitae odio ut neque convallis volutpat porttitor vitae neque. Nam augue lacus, porta aliquam cursus pharetra, sagittis ac lectus. Donec libero tellus, ornare non egestas eu, feugiat non odio. Phasellus eleifend sollicitudin ligula vel vehicula. Aliquam at pharetra elit. Morbi vitae orci nec diam venenatis scelerisque. Fusce dictum sapien ut nisl faucibus sollicitudin. Etiam est ligula, tincidunt eu ultricies vel, euismod ut tellus. Nullam bibendum diam non sem porttitor vitae interdum quam lobortis. Proin quis justo eget metus semper ornare. Maecenas id erat massa. Duis id orci a tortor feugiat condimentum vitae ut dui. Nullam eget mauris leo. Fusce nec ipsum orci, non rutrum nibh.)

(source: )

See? That reads way easier then a really long text without subparagraphs . Doesn't it?

You don't get it do you? All the banning your account from the forums? Normally if someone bans your IP, it usually means that they DON'T want you to come back.

I'm not sure what to do right now, to be honest. I do want to ban your IP again, and all that fun stuff, but, I think its not up to just me, I think I'll let this post stay for a couple of days, Damn christmas spirit ...

So, dooz, amix, rbos , yes or no?

My vote is no.

Happy holidays ;)

My turn.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:44 pm
by Dee
This isn't even my place to say, but damn this is just.. it's pathetic, really.

The first time I saw a post even somewhat similar to this was, when, August? (Complete guess)
That is a very long time to hold onto a virtual world/community in which you have effected in a negative way far more often than a positive way.

Sure, I realize Novylen is one of the better servers out there, but it isn't the ONLY server. There are at least 4000 others that have a fair sized community, and hell, maybe even one of those will be able to put up with you, That may be a long shot though.

Furthermore, I see you only have 1 post. Meaning this is a new account, so the old one I assume got IP banned? So you are successfully evading a ban (Probably not for the first time, either).

I doubt anyone cares how sorry you are. I know I don't, not any more at least. Yeah, the first time I saw a post like this I thought "Hey, this guy might sincerely be sorry". That emotion is long gone.

You're just going to have to deal with the fact you broke the 'laws' of the server. In all the time I've been around Novylen, all the people that have been banned for things like this, were tolerated for an exceedingly long time. Much longer then even I think is reasonable. For you to be banned, appeal 2 times -at the very least- in over a 4 month time-span, and still be banned, what the hell do you think is going to change this time?
Trying to use the time of year as leverage? Since I really think you are trying to work an angle here.

Additionally, lets say you were to get the ban repealed, then what? Everyone is at ropes end with you, and will not be very willing to associate with you, I doubt, so why come back to a place where everyone is going to repulse you?!

If you don't want to be treated like a "12 year old" then stop giving people reasons to do so!

If you would rather be treated like a slightly more mature person now, then you will realize pissing off will be the best and only option.

So, in conclusion, be a big boy, ditch the diapers, and Get the fuck out.
One more thing, listen to to this.

:cloth12violet: :cloth12violet: :cloth12violet: :cloth4orange: :cloth4orange: :cloth4orange:

~~ I know it isn't my place to comment on the ban, but I figured maybe reasoning with this thick-headed person in a mostly polite way will help his mental problem~~

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:47 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
Well, dee, to be honest, it isn't your place to comment , but I do agree with you...

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:53 pm
by IronManiac77
Hell, I may be new to modship but I was around when you got banned.

You're only making it worse for yourself. Just....stop.

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:56 am
by MrEpiclegendzz
And here is the score!!!

No: 2
Yes: 0

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:50 am
by dragslayar
There wasn't even a TL;DR, and for that reason I'm out, but what do the other dragons think?

But seriously I say no based on if we said yes we would be promoting the effectiveness of spamming "PLZ LET ME BACK IN" at eventually getting you back in.

I realize he regrets doing such things as: spamming, spamming and more spamming. But it's happened and we cant promote that behaviour.

Arin will have to get over the mistakes he made and move on, not committing those mistakes again.

Hey, and maybe one day we'll renew all the bans and make a fresh server and he can try again, in the next life :P

/TL;DR NO, would promote bad behaviour.

But in no mod so what i say doesn't count :P

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:26 pm
by dograffe
Mrepic make that

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:27 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
dograffe wrote:Mrepic make that
What makes you think you count?

Re: Ban Appeal (Please Read) Not for Mrepic!

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:47 pm
by rbos