Home Idea

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Home Idea

Post by TacoDogSheep »

Hey guys it's me Taco. 2 days ago I found a really nice area and I want to make it my permanent home. Only one problem, I don't know what kind of home to make, or what style. If you have any idea's that would be great!

Here's a picture of the area.

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Re: Home Idea

Post by Pachua »

What you should do is plant a bazillion regular trees on the mountain perimeter to make a hidden valley. Within that valley ought to be a nice, cozy log cabin:
Litter the interior of the valley with regular and birch trees after the home is built. Invite your friends over for a deer hunt.
Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:57 am
Location: Tristar

Re: Home Idea

Post by TacoDogSheep »

I'll try it!
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