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Towny Commands

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:59 pm
by Dr_Obvious
I know you all love towny and all, but som people have been asking "why cant i join a town?" "How do i leave a town??" "what commands are there??"


"why cant i join a town?"
-Because you must be added by the mayor or lord of a town.

"How do I leave a town?"
-Look at the commands below!

"What commands are there?"
- Again...look below

Note that this is directly from the commands website.


Give these commands to everybody: /resident,/town,/nation,/claim,/ally,/towny
Give this to admins: /townyadmin (This command just flags the ability to use commands, it of itself does nothing)

Note: /resident can be substituted for /player

Player Commands:

/resident : Show your last login and assigned town.
/town : Show your town's status and residents.
/nation : Show your nation's towns and allegiances.
/resident [name] : Show resident's (player) last login and assigned town.
/town [name] : Show town status and residents.
/nation [name] : Show a nation's towns and allegiances.
/resident list : Show all residents to ever log in (Assign only if your server is rather small).
/town list : List all towns
/nation list : List all nations
/town leave : Allows a resident to leave a town. If he is the last resident, the town is destroyed.
/towny map : Draws a color coded map of the nearby town blocks. Gold is your current position. Red + are enemy towns, while green ones belong to your town/nation.
/towny map toggle : Turn on/off showing the TownyMap as your move between town blocks.

Admin Commands:

/resident delete [name] : Reset a resident's data. Kick's player if online.
/town new [name] [lord] : Create a new town
/town delete [name] : Delete a town
/nation new [name] [capital] : Create a new nation and adds the first town which becomes the capital.
/nation delete [name] : Delete a nation
/town setlord [town] [player] : Set [player] as lord over [town] (removes all other mayors)
/towny war [nationA] [nationB] : Force a war between the two nations immediately

Lord Commands:

/town add [player] .. [player] : Add each [player] to town
/town kick [player] : Remove [player] from town
/nation leave : Leave your nation
/town setboard [message] : Set town board of current town
/claim : Claim the TownBlock your standing in.
/claim remove : Remove the claim over the TownBlock your in.
/claim toggle : Turn on/off claiming town blocks just by swinging your arm.
/town assistant [+/-] [player] : Grant or deny mayor status to player

King Commands:

/nation add [town] .. [town] : Add each [town] to nation
/nation kick [town] : Remove [town] from nation
/nation assistant [+/-] [player] : Grant or deny king status to player
/ally [+/n/-] [nation] : Set target nation to Friend, Neutral or Enemy. Setting as enemy will start the war time

Re: Towny Commands

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:34 pm
by rbos
There's a link from the main page blog post on Towny, and I'm adding a link to the About page as well.