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Backslash in chat

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:15 am
by bill753
Yesterday, it was suggested to me (by personal message) by a certain unscrupulous player that '\hacks' was a command that the developers 'forgot to take out'. Sounded like a typical poorly-hidden attempt at being annoying, so I didn't do it. Later on I was talking to someone else about it, and it turns out if you type a backslash at any point in a chat message, you get removed from the server and cannot rejoin for a time. So don't do it!

Oh yeah, it was jlcresp. What a chump.

Re: Backslash in chat

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:29 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
Lol i found that out:P then i told smok to do it:P and smok told others etc...
Sorry:( It wasn't my intention to piss ya off:P *actually i didn't do anything except telling smok to do it but wtv:P

Re: Backslash in chat

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:37 pm
by jlcresp
Hey Bill,

If I recall correctly, I told you what it actually does immediately after I said it was for hacks. Rbos, you can check the chat log if you like.

I have entered \ in the chat numerous times and have never had trouble reconnecting. In fact, I had entered \ into chat about 5 minutes before I told you about it and rejoined instantly.

Furthermore, it doesn't take a genius to realize that when someone says type "type x for hax!" and everyone else replies with "lol" and the sort, that the person is obviously joking around.

Seriously, you need to learn to take a joke sometimes.
bill753 wrote:Sounded like a typical poorly-hidden attempt at being annoying, so I didn't do it.
Yeah, I'm a really sucky troll. OR it was obvious humor.

When joking around, you still need to take the consequences of your joke into account - "How is this going to affect other players". In the case of this joke, you simply need to rejoin the server. It also has the positive effect that the affected person increases their wisdom and humor (lolability).

Besides, it was a moderator that told me about it in the first place. ( "jlc - type \me" ). I won't give names because I am ok for people on the internet to joke around with me and do some pranking. Its part of the internet culture (source) and if you don't understand it or accept it, then maybe the internet is not the place for you.

Re: Backslash in chat

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:35 pm
by MrEpiclegendzz
Everyone lolled after i told ppl to do \ soo.. i dont think ppl minded ... but what ever... Bill blame me not jlc...

Re: Backslash in chat

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:42 am
by bill753
Well, I wasn't actually annoyed (except for the not being able to reconnect for a while, which was weird if it happened to no one else), so the retaliatory spouting of a pile of bollocks wasn't totally necessary. But thanks for teaching me how the internet works anyway.

Re: Backslash in chat

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:21 pm
by ummwat
bill753 wrote:But thanks for teaching me how the internet works anyway.
Well that's basic rule of the Internet #58-B

Re: Backslash in chat

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:37 pm
by jlcresp
bill753 wrote:Well, I wasn't actually annoyed (except for the not being able to reconnect for a while, which was weird if it happened to no one else), so the retaliatory spouting of a pile of bollocks wasn't totally necessary. But thanks for teaching me how the internet works anyway.
Well, if you indeed were not annoyed, then your post should be considered informatory - that you were just advising other payers that \ causes you to disconnect. If this is the case, there was absolutely no need to have a go at me.

If you took offense to it, I'm sorry.

I thought you only talked to someone else about it and didn't try it yourself - as stated in your first post. You were online for another 15 minutes after I told you about it.

The reason that it bugs is because Notch does not escape the \ character. So when the parser detects it, to avoid a possible hacking attempt, it disconnects the client. That is all that it does.