Region Blacklist
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:43 pm
Not a suggestion, really, but a reference for mods, as I've asked before, and you guys didn't know how to do this. These are the commands needed to create a blacklist of players in a region. Example: Let everyone but a certain group of people break blocks at a tree farm.
[08:35] <TerrorBite> /region flag RegionName build deny
[08:35] <TerrorBite> /region flag RegionName build -g members
[08:40] <TerrorBite> -g sets which users the flag applies to. For build, it's usually "nonmembers". But we're setting it to "members" thus inverting the users it applies to.
[08:40] <TerrorBite> Hence, it will deny members of the region from building
[08:42] <TerrorBite> It used to only apply to the "entry" flag, via setting a separate "entry-group" flag. Now it can be applied to any flag as far as I can tell.
I assume you replace "build" with whatever other flag you may be using.
Hope this helps!
[08:35] <TerrorBite> /region flag RegionName build deny
[08:35] <TerrorBite> /region flag RegionName build -g members
[08:40] <TerrorBite> -g sets which users the flag applies to. For build, it's usually "nonmembers". But we're setting it to "members" thus inverting the users it applies to.
[08:40] <TerrorBite> Hence, it will deny members of the region from building
[08:42] <TerrorBite> It used to only apply to the "entry" flag, via setting a separate "entry-group" flag. Now it can be applied to any flag as far as I can tell.
I assume you replace "build" with whatever other flag you may be using.
Hope this helps!