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What's up?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:29 pm
by TacoDogSheep
Hey everyone. Just wondering what all of ya's have been up to. I've been pretty busy working, having a good time. I wish I could have played on here more often the past few months, but you know... life! Anyone been doing anything exciting or interesting they want to share? Maybe a good way to keep in touch would be making a Discord server (I'm not sure how many people use Discord here). Anyways I hope all of you have been keeping well, I've been on the server past few days playing around in the new update, hope to see some of you on there. :)

Taco out.

Re: What's up?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 5:30 am
by ChrisHic
Is there anyone who players regularly nowadays? I'd love to hang out with someone in-game. I think Discord would be awesome too.

Re: What's up?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:22 pm
by Chris72
Hello, Taco!

It's nice to read what you've been up to lately! A lot has happened the past two years, and I sure have a lot to talk about! The only thing is that I don't really think it's in anyone's real interest to hear about my ups and downs, adventures and days of boredom. Therefore I'd just like to end this reply by saying that I miss you!

And by "you", I obviously mean all of you. All of Novylen.

(I also wonder who the next person to reply will be!)