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Completion of MNTC Mall Stage 1

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:03 am
by jlcresp
I am pleased to announce the completion of Stage 1 of the MNTC Mall. Stage 1 features 16 shop lots in a spacious domed building.

Feel free to warp to "mntc". Alternatively, you can teleport to the MNTC mall from the teleport hub nearby to spawn.

If you have any comments regarding this stage of completion, please let us know your thoughts.

Once the entire MNTC HQ Facility is completed, a grand opening will be arranged.

Re: Completion of MNTC Mall Stage 1

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:07 pm
by Dr_Obvious
I'll try and get started on the SVNBA local base there...but im still working on the HQ in SV :P (need an office to order people in before I start other bases :) ) and if you would, I'd like to add the teleport to MNTC in SV (we has teh most teles in the server :D (or so I think...might have changed...but for now ill stick with that for now :) ))
Unfortuanetly I havnt gotten around to make the marketplace in SV :P

PS in the other forum post I posted that i wanted a spot in the dome top for a SV MEGA MARKET :O...ill tell you the plans later :)

Re: Completion of MNTC Mall Stage 1

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:20 am
by Unreal_Me
Heh, we're gonna need a way to throw down more shop signs, else we'll end up with a bunch of empty (but epic looking) shopping districts

Re: Completion of MNTC Mall Stage 1

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:05 am
by rbos
No point having a lot of signs per player if all of them are empty or full of stock and thus unable to buy/sell.

I'd rather have fewer but higher quality shops rather than hundreds (or more!) of low-quality shops. Further I'd like to see unmaintained shops destroyed after a while and replaced with ones that people actually keep an eye on and adjust prices for.