My Banage

Post threads here related to server bans. If you want to contest a ban, place it here; if you as a moderator ban someone, create a thread here.
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My Banage

Post by batty550 »

This is my reason.....

kk it all started when moonslayer, nathan938 and lolzling where making the house together and when they where done days after days nathan938 showed me batty550 and it was already greived enough that u would fall through holes pretty much every step and nathan938 said that we should get supplies from it cause it was already greived and it was partly both our fault cause he said we could get the supplies and it was partly his house sooo im sooo sorry plz forgive me and plz give me one more chance i beg u!

Sincerely Batty550
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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:11 am

Re: My Banage

Post by mambo938 »

plzzzzzz guys dont bane him he wasnt shore give him one more chance and lets start the second chance thing again
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Re: My Banage

Post by nathan938 »

plzzz give him another chance it was sorta my fault so plz unbane him and give him another chance!!!
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Re: My Banage

Post by nathan938 »

plzzzz people unbane him
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Re: My Banage

Post by Sparky125 »

Batty125 was banned for a little misunderstanding. I can see why he was banned but he was not deliberately griefing. He was collecting blocks because nathan938 told him he could because the house was beyond repair. You may not find that nathan938 has no evidence of nathan938's ownership of the house since moonslayer built the house. We will get moons layer to leave a comment and give you proof that he gave nathan938 ownership of the house. please let batty125 have a second chance he has not done anything wrong even though this may seem like griefing it actually wasn't.
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Re: My Banage

Post by mambo938 »

i think we should give him another chance its seems a great idea ;)
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Re: My Banage

Post by batty550 »

thanks for your support guys i really appreshiate it and plzzzzz unbane me i wasnt shore and i was told to get supplies sooo plz unban me :!:
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Re: My Banage

Post by MrEpiclegendzz »

Again, why are regular people posting in here, It's not like you have a say in this.

I'll let doozie decide if you get unbanned or not, since it was her ban.
Some people like to watch the world burn, I'm one of those people.
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Re: My Banage

Post by Doozy »

Eh sure, why not have a second chance.
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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:36 am

Re: My Banage

Post by batty550 »

THX sooooo much doozie your the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :) ;)

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