################################# Achievements #################################
####### BLOCK CREATE ########
1:&6[Trinitrotoluene]&3:1:blockcreate:tnt:1:Wait, what are you doing with that?:money 10
1:&6[Laying Down the Foundation]&3:1:blockcreate:wood:10:Placed 10 Wood blocks.:item torch 10
1:&6[He Who Lives in a Glass House...]&3:1:blockcreate:glass:10:Placed 10 Glass blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Lighting the Path]&3:1:blockcreate:torch:10:Placed 10 Torches.:money 10
1:&6[Maestro]&3:1:blockcreate:music:10:Placed 10 Note blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Sandopolis]&3:1:blockcreate:sand:10:Placed 10 Sand blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Maestro]&3:1:blockcreate:music:10:Placed 10 Note Blocks.:money 10
1:&6[A Rose By Any Other Name]&3:1:blockcreate12:Placed a dozen Roses.:money 10
1:&6[Walk Like an Egyptian]&3:1:blockcreate:sandstone:10:Placed 10 Sandstone blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Order Up!]&3:1:blockcreate:dispenser:10:Placed 10 Dispenser blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Higher Learning]&3:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:10:Placed 10 Bookshelves.:money 10
1:&6[Trees and Thank You]&3:1:blockcreate:sapling:1:Planted a tree. Good for you!:money 10
1:&6[Reforestation]&3:1:blockcreate:saplingPlanted 100 trees.:money 10
1:&6[Home Sweet Home]&3:1:blockcreate:painting:1:Planted a painting.:money 10
1:&6[Do This, Don't Do That]&3:1:blockcreate:sign:10:Placed 10 signs.:money 10
####### BLOCK DESTROY #######
1:&6[Global Warming]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:5:Destroyed a tree.:item sapling 1
1:&6[Apprentice Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:50:Cut down 50 logs.:money 10
1:&6[Apprentice Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:50:Dug out 50 Stone blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Apprentice Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:50:Dug up 50 Dirt blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Sandcastle Crashers]&3:1:blockdestroy:sand:50:Dug up 50 Sand blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Journeyman Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:500:Cut down 500 logs.:money 10
1:&6[Journeyman Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:500:Dug out 500 Stone blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Journeyman Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:500:Dug up 500 Dirt blocks.:money 10
1:&6[Expert Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:5000:Cut down 5k logs.:money 100
1:&6[Expert Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:5000:Dug out 5k Stone blocks.:money 100
1:&6[Expert Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:5000:Dug up 5k Dirt blocks.:money 100
1:&6[Artisan Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:50000:Cut down 50k logs.:money 100
1:&6[Artisan Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:50000:Dug out 50k Stone blocks.:money 100
1:&6[Artisan Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:50000:Dug up 50k Dirt blocks.:money 100
1:&6[Master Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:500000:Cut down 500k logs.:money 1000
1:&6[Master Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:500000:Dug out 500k Stone blocks.:money 1000
1:&6[Master Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:500000:Dug up 500k Dirt blocks.:money 1000
1:&6[Grand Master Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:5000000:Cut down 5m logs.:money 1000
1:&6[Grand Master Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:5000000:Dug out 5m Stone blocks.:money 1000
1:&6[Grand Master Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:5000000:Dug up 5m Dirt blocks.:money 1000
1:&6[Illustrious Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:50000000:Cut down 50m logs.:money 1000
1:&6[Illustrious Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:50000000:Dug out 50m Stone blocks.:money 1000
1:&6[Illustrious Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:50000000:Dug up 50m Dirt blocks.:money 1000
1:&6[World Renowned Logger]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:500000000:Cut down 500m logs.:money 10000
1:&6[World Renowned Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:500000000:Dug out 500m Stone blocks.:money 10000
1:&6[World Renowned Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:500000000:Dug up 500m Dirt blocks.:money 10000
1:&6[Dungeon Runner]&3:1:blockdestroy:mossy:10:Dug out 10 Mossy Cobblestone blocks.:item ironhelmet 1
1:&6[Heroic Dungeon Runner]&3:1:blockdestroy:mossy:50:Dug out 50 Mossy Cobblestone blocks.:item diamondhelmet 1
1:&6[Raider]&3:1:blockdestroy:mossyDug out 100 Mossy Cobblestone blocks.:item ironpants 1
1:&6[Heroic Raider]&3:1:blockdestroy:mossy:200:Dug out 200 Mossy Cobblestone blocks.:item diamondpants 1
1:&6[Raid Leader]&3:1:blockdestroy:mossy:500:Dug out 500 Mossy Cobblestone blocks.:item ironchestplate 1
1:&6[Heroic Raid Leader]&3:1:blockdestroy:mossyDug out 1000 Mossy Cobblestone blocks.:item diamondchestplate 1
####### DAMAGE DEALT ########
####### DAMAGE TAKEN ########
1:&6[It Looked Much Closer]&3:1:damagetaken:FALL:20:You took fall damage.:money 10
1:&6[Just Wanted a Hug]&3:1:damagetaken:Creeper:1:Hugged a lonely Creeper.:item apple 1
########## DEATHS ###########
1:&6[Don't Stand In Fire!]&3:1:deaths1:Died in fire.:money 10
1:&6[It's Dangerous to Go Alone]&3:1:deaths:total:1:Died once.:item woodsword 1
1:&6[It was Lag! I swear!]&3:1:deaths:total:10:Died 10 times.::money 10
1:&6[Phoenix Downed]&3:1:deaths:totalDied 100 times.:money 10
1:&6[AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!]&3:1:deaths:FALL:1:You made quite the mess, didn't you?:money 10
1:&6[Creepers on My Roof!]&3:1:deaths:Creeper:1:Killed by a Creeper.:money 10
1:&6[Boned]&3:1:deaths:Skeleton:1:Killed by a Skeleton.:money 10
1:&6[STTTAARRRRSSSSS]&3:1:deaths:Zombie:1:Killed by a Zombie.:money 10
1:&6[Venom Strike!]&3:1:deaths:Spider:1:Killed by a Spider.:money 10
1:&6[Waterworld]&3:1:deaths:DROWNING:1:Drowned.:money 10
1:&6[Short Fuse]&3:1:deaths:tnt:1:Died from TNT.:money 10
######### ITEM DROP #########
1:&6[Garbage]&3:1:itemdrop:gravel:50:Got rid of 50 Gravel blocks.:money 10
######## ITEM PICKUP ########
1:&6[Baconator]&3:1:itempickup:pork:5:Picked up some raw pork.:money 10
1:&6[Wolf in Sheep's Clothing]&3:1:itempickup:cloth:5:Picked up 5 cloth.:money 10
1:&6[Stoned]&3:1:itempickup:cobblestone:500:Aquired 500 Cobblestone.:item ironpickaxe
1:&6[Apprentice Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:50:Harvested up 50 Wheat.:money 10
1:&6[Journeyman Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:500:Harvested up 500 Wheat.:money 10
1:&6[Expert Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:5000:Harvested up 5k Wheat.:money 100
1:&6[Artisan Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:50000:Harvested up 50k Wheat.:money 100
1:&6[Master Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:500000:Harvested up 500k Wheat.:money 1000
1:&6[Grand Master Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:5000000:Harvested up 5m Wheat.:money 1000
1:&6[Illustrious Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:50000000:Harvested up 50m Wheat.:money 1000
1:&6[World Renowned Farmer]&3:1:itempickup:wheat:500000000:Harvested up 500m Wheat.:money 10000
########### KILLS ###########
1:&6[Take That!]&3:1:kills:total:1:Killed 1 monster.:money 10
1:&6[And That!]&3:1:kills:total:10:Killed 10 monsters.:money 10
1:&6[And One of These!]&3:1:kills:totalKilled 100 monsters.:money 100
1:&6[There Are Zombies On My Lawn]&3:1:kills:Zombie:5:Killed 5 zombies. More will come, take this...:item flower 5
1:&6[Boneless]&3:1:kills:Skeleton:5:Killed 5 Skeletons.:money 10
1:&6[Friendly Neighborhood...]&3:1:kills:Spider:5:Killed 5 spiders.:money 10
1:&6[FIRST BLOOD]&3:1:kills:player:1:Killed another player.:item ironsword 1
1:&6[Scout]&3:1:kills:player:10:Killed 10 players.:money 10
1:&6[Grunt]&3:1:kills:player:20:Killed 20 players.:money 20
1:&6[Guard]&3:1:kills:player:30:Killed 30 players.:money 30
1:&6[Captain]&3:1:kills:player:40:Killed 40 players.:money 40
1:&6[Knight]&3:1:kills:player:50:Killed 50 players.:money 50
1:&6[Legionnaire]&3:1:kills:player:60:Killed 60 players.:money 60
1:&6[Centurion]&3:1:kills:player:70:Killed 70 players.:money 70
1:&6[Champion]&3:1:kills:player:80:Killed 80 players.:money 80
1:&6[Warlord]&3:1:kills:player:90:Killed 90 players.:money 90
1:&6[Reaper]&3:1:kills:playerKilled 100 players.:money 100
########### STATS ###########
##### ARMSWING #####
1:&6[Left Hook]&3:1:stats:armswing:1:Threw a punch.:item woodpickaxe 1
1:&6[Epic Flail!]&3:1:stats:armswingSwung your arm 1000 times.:money 10
####### BAN ########
1:&6[Twit]&3:1:stats:chatletters:140:Awarded for typing 140 characters in chat. Go back to Twitter.:money 10
1:&6[Gabby]&3:1:stats:chatletters:100000:Awarded for typing 100k characters in chat.:money 500
##### COMMAND ######
###### IP BAN ######
####### KICK #######
###### LOGIN #######
1:&6[Server First!]&3:1:stats:login:1:You have logged in for the first time!:item woodaxe 1
1:&6[SERVER FIRST!!]&3:1:stats:login:2:You came back! We didn't scare you away.:money 10
0:&6[Friday Night Zombie Fright]&3:1:stats:login:1:Logged in during the Zombie event.:item diamondsword
####### MOVE #######
1:&6[Baby Steps]&3:1:stats:move:10:Congratulations! You've taken your first steps!:item woodshovel 1
1:&6[Well Traveled]&3:1:stats:moveWalked 10,000 steps.:item leatherboots 1
1:&6[Marathon Runner]&3:1:stats:move:100000:Walked 100,000 steps.:item ironboots 1
1:&6[Map Explorer]&3:1:stats:move:1000000:Walked 1,000,000 steps.:item diamondboots 1
1:&6[These Boots Were Made For Walkin']&3:1:stats:move:10000000:Walked 10,000,000 steps.:money 1000
#### PLAYED FOR ####
1:&6[Hooked]&3:1:stats:playedfor:144000:Logged 40 hours.:money 100
##### TELEPORT #####
Achievement List
- Posts: 206
- Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:28 pm
- Location: Canada eh! (or for some americans...Canadia :P )
Re: Achievement List
Pay more attention, the answer's hidden somewhere in the topic.Dr_Obvious wrote:what are these??
HINT: It's in the topic title.
- Posts: 206
- Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:28 pm
- Location: Canada eh! (or for some americans...Canadia :P )
Re: Achievement List
By "what is this" i mean is it here just for fun or is it a mod in the server or what???
By "what is this" i mean is it here just for fun or is it a mod in the server or what???
Re: Achievement List
It's a server plugin, long in and try it out.
Really it's just a "fun" addon. I'll write a web page or something to go along with it later, so we can rank achievements and compare e-peens.
Really it's just a "fun" addon. I'll write a web page or something to go along with it later, so we can rank achievements and compare e-peens.
Re: Achievement List
Here's what I think I'm going to do for achievement points, so I don't have to manually assign point values to them.
Every achievement gets a total of 1000 points to allocate, divided among the number of people who have that achievement.
So "Collect 100 dirt", if 100 people have it, will be worth 10 points per person.
"Collect 9000 dirt" will be worth 1000 points until a second person gets it, and then will be worth 500 points to each person.
This preserves "all time achievers", because if you get a bunch of hard ones, you'll stay on top until those achievements become less valuable, and it allows me not to have to give point values to every achievement - the point value is automatically decided by how difficult it is to actually accomplish.
Every achievement gets a total of 1000 points to allocate, divided among the number of people who have that achievement.
So "Collect 100 dirt", if 100 people have it, will be worth 10 points per person.
"Collect 9000 dirt" will be worth 1000 points until a second person gets it, and then will be worth 500 points to each person.
This preserves "all time achievers", because if you get a bunch of hard ones, you'll stay on top until those achievements become less valuable, and it allows me not to have to give point values to every achievement - the point value is automatically decided by how difficult it is to actually accomplish.
Re: Achievement List
Man, that is the smartest idea I've heard all day. Good job.
- Posts: 206
- Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:28 pm
- Location: Canada eh! (or for some americans...Canadia :P )
Re: Achievement List
I like this...now we just need one more achevement...
Best Doc of the server! :)
Best Doc of the server! :)
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:23 am
- Location: My Castle in the Sky, or my Great Tree.
- Contact:
Re: Achievement List
I'm confident I can chop over 9,000 wood
also, try and include the things that aren't basic (mining, placing, etc.) and have things that are just… interesting. Maybe one that involves finding materials that are rare to the server (clay, diamond, mossy cobblestone).
Anywho, I like this idea
also, try and include the things that aren't basic (mining, placing, etc.) and have things that are just… interesting. Maybe one that involves finding materials that are rare to the server (clay, diamond, mossy cobblestone).
Anywho, I like this idea
Castle in the Sky • The Great Tree
Re: Achievement List
If competitions take off, could we possibly have achievements for participating / winning them?