So yeah, the title pretty much sums it up, reply with all your current knowledge of our modly powers (even if you think it's common, I'm sure someone doesn't know it). I'll do my best to add them to this in a timely manner, and hopefully we eventually have a working manual for us.
(Please put them in this format so I can copy/paste)
/kit modtools = gives all you need to succeed!
Wooden Sword = Right click to check regions
Wooden Axe = Left and Right click to assign positions
Wooden Pickaxe = Right click to check blocklog
/wxremove = Removes stargates
/wxforce -all = Shuts down messed up stargates
World Guard
/region flag <ID> blocked-cmds /home,/spawn,/etc = Used to block commands
/region select <ID> = Used to select a region, can then be //expand(ed)
/region setparent <CHILD ID> <PARENT ID> =Will allow owner/member of child region to build without giving them access to the larger surrounding parent region. Applies all flags and permissions of parent region to child.
/region info <ID> =gives info on region
/region delete <ID> = Deletes said region
/region define <ID> <OWNER NAME> = Creates a region
//expand <amount> <(optional qualifier n OR s OR e OR w OR u(up) OR d(down))>
World Edit
BE CAREFUL WITH THESE. Anything over 15 has been known to crash the server.
/fixlava <RADIUS>= Fixes lava
/fixwater <RADIUS> = Fixes water
//drain <RADIUS> = Removes water
/tempban <name> <Time> <m(minute) OR h(hour) OR d(day) = Temporary ban
/mute <name> = Toggles mute on the player
/kick <name> = My favorite weapon against asstards
/home <name> = as mods we can go to anyone's home, very useful
/tele <name> = teleport
/tphere <name> = teleport them to you
/warp search <keyword> = useful for finding lost warps
/warp create <name> = create a warp
/warp delete <name> = delete a warp
/dstop <countdown timer> = Use only if lag has gotten out of hand or if otherwise necessary, has been known to cause rollbacks.
Being a Mod, The manual
Being a Mod, The manual
Last edited by amixalot on Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Being a Mod, The manual
World Guard:
/region setparent <childID> <parentID> =Will allow owner/member of child region to build without giving them access to the larger surrounding parent region. Applies all flags and permissions of parent region to child.
Good for town security, lets people add new players to their towns without risking wholesale damage, but requires a mod to be present and for the town to be organized into assigned plots. As far as I know, this is a rarely used setting.
oh, and
/region info <ID> =gives info on region
amix you forgot the best one of all:
/ban <playername> <reason>
/region setparent <childID> <parentID> =Will allow owner/member of child region to build without giving them access to the larger surrounding parent region. Applies all flags and permissions of parent region to child.
Good for town security, lets people add new players to their towns without risking wholesale damage, but requires a mod to be present and for the town to be organized into assigned plots. As far as I know, this is a rarely used setting.
oh, and
/region info <ID> =gives info on region
amix you forgot the best one of all:
/ban <playername> <reason>