New block?

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New block?

Post by Dee »

Okay the title may be mis-leading but oh well. I was thinking, there is not one RARE block in Minecraft! I have yet to pass a Natural block that makes me go "could it be?!"
Diamond is not all that rare.
I want to see a block that is only found in pockets of one. and is surrounded by at LEAST 3 blocks each way. (meaning it can not be visible with out doing some digging) also it would be used to make either a tool or blocks. (like diamond, gold, iron etc)
but the tool it would craft would be like no other. it would be 1.5x more effective/fast then diamond tools, but work at top capacity in all situations. ( Axe, pick, shovel all in one)
then you would need to make another "tool" which would be the combative version. (sword, bow with extended range combined)

also this block would only be found in every say 3000 blocks? that may be a bad number.

COMMENT your thoughts :D
-Dee :D
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Re: New block?

Post by ummwat »

1 in 3000? :shock:
That's like a 0.03% chance right there. :mobnotch:

Oh yeah, ever heard of clay?

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Re: New block?

Post by rbos »

Diamond is rare, or will be once notch fixes some of the more blatant duping and spawning bugs.
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Re: New block?

Post by MrEpiclegendzz »

Lol diamond isn't so rare,I found 20 diamond the other day!
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